Our academy meets every Saturday at Μunicipal pitch in Glyka Nera. Children aged 6-18 are welcome to join. There is ample parking next to the field.
The playing season runs from the first Saturday in September through to the second Saturday in June. There will be training or fixtures every Saturday except during Christmas and Easter.
Μunicipal pitch at the Glyka Nera
How to join?
We offer free taster sessions for the first 2 weeks – so simply come along and see how your child enjoys playing rugby. Your Team Manager will be able to take you through the membership process and discuss joining fees.
What to bring?
A water bottle and appropriate sportswear. Footwear should be studded rugby (or football) boots. Attica Springboks RFC have a club policy of using a gumshield in contact training and during matches for Under 9s and above. If your child has asthma, an inhaler must be brought along to every session. In case there is rain, it is aa good idea to have a kit bag with a clean change of clothes.